MTE1002 Audio Principles

Finished Product

After handing out different tasks to each of our crew we went about creating our piece. My task was to create the first slide of our brief; someone going into a shop and buying some coke hero.

I started with the walking loop. I cut the sound so that this sounded natuaral when looped. I found that this was easily acomplished through trial and error, the biggest problem i had was an unatural step at the end of the sample, it seemed like two left foot steps were taking place.

I found that the sounds of walking were also very faint, i had to increase the amplitude of the wave while trying to avoid clipping. This was a simple case of moving the "Clip Gain" slider slowly up in Live 6.0 to increase the playback level in dB.

The arrangment view in Live 6.0 makes it very easy to combine files with the timing you want.

I was then required to make a warping sound, something magical sounding to let the listener know something odd has happened when the character has teleported after hiccuping.
I apllied the effects shown below.

I then added envelopes to this warping sound, i used one to create a panning effect. I then used another to make the warp sound slowly dampen off into silence (-inf dB)

To finish up I collected overyones contribution and got it to fit together linking each section with a hiccup and warp sound. I then exported the complete live set as a .wav file. I instructed Live 6.0 to normalise the sounds in this piece for me.

Post Production.

Audacity is freeware, although it is very capable to do the job i prefer to use more advanced software. My friend recommended Abletons Live 6.0 program.

After a quick introduction i looked into using this program and found it to be very easy to pick up. I could easily apply different envelopes and effects. tweeking every little thing in real time without having to stop and re-play the wave.
With the basics under my belt i went about creating my section of audio.

Working to production.

We looked at the sounds we got and tried to work out how we could apply them in the way outlined in the brief. After finding out some sounds did not come across well and were beyond help using post production techniques we had to go out and replace these.


Our recordings were done in town at aporoximately 8pm.
We tried to get as many diverse different sounds as we could.
Some examples are: Rustling through some bushes, smacking a bin, smashing a shop window (only joking) and shuffling our feet.

We also tried to incorporate different sound textures. There are many different types on materials found in town, metal signs, cardboard boxes, stone, glass. These can be combined for example banging a wooden stick on a metal fence creates a different effect to using a metal bar in the same way.


Woke up feeling really rough Sunday morning, felt the same today. Got a doctors appointment booked tommorow.
Yesterday Tim sent us the starting presentation . I added a slide and looked into recording techniques. Found out about using directional mics to reducde reverb.

I then modified the coke Zero Logo into our Coke Hero logo.

Tommorow i hope to meet up with the rest of the group and get us to finish up the notes and practice displaying this presentation.


Decided on what we are going to create audo for.
We are going to make a simple comic and use sounds to connect each scene together.